The regional director of Differdange schools expressed satisfaction with the situation in an RTL interview.

On Wednesday, 50 teachers were ready to welcome the children, some of whom could then return home. The way teachers have to ensure reception is specified in a "bad weather plan", as explained by Marc Bodson, the director of primary education in Differdange.

"The school establishes plans, incorporating a rotation of weekdays and specifying when teachers should be present. This means that depending on which weekday the bad weather occurs, teachers have to set off first and usually, it is those who live close by."

When the decision was made to keep schools closed, the primary task was to inform everyone. Teachers reached out to parents to determine how many children would require childcare. The regional director coordinated with various schools and municipal authorities.

"We have kept our communication channels from the pandemic so we used them and everything went smoothly. The presidents of the Differdange regional directorate were aware from the moment the message came from the Ministry that children would enjoy from an alternative hosting facility, both in primary and secondary education."

The director draws a positive assessment today as well.

"What was particularly positive was the collaboration between the school and the Maison Relais (out-of-school childcare). Teachers who stayed to supervise the children were, for example, offered the opportunity to enjoy meals there - everything was provided by the Maison Relais. In terms of cooperation, I find that sends a very positive signal."

The only disappointment was that children couldn't play in the snow on their day off because none had fallen. Even Bodson's own children found that quite sad.
