Global Research Groups Supporting Ukrainian Scientists

Please add your information to this form to support displaced Ukrainian scientists. Data added to this form becomes available as a spreadsheet at 

To make sure that this list reaches Ukrainian scientists tweet or otherwise distribute the following text:


The global community has created a continuously updated list ( of laboratories that can host Ukrainian scientists at all career levels.


Наукове суспільство створило постійно відновлюємий список лабораторій (, які можуть прийняти українських вчених (включаючи аспірантів).


Научное сообщество создало постоянно обновляемый список лабораторий (, которые могут принять украинских ученых (включая аспирантов).
This effort has been pioneered by Andrew Kern (@pastramimachine) at the University of Oregon.
The form is maintained by Björn Grüning (University of Freiburg, and Anton Nekrutenko (Penn State University,

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Name *
Name of the PI or lab head
Research Focus *
Primary focus of the lab (Molecular Biology, Experimental physics etc.)
PI or Lab website *
URL for the lab's website
Possibility of Funding? (Can your lab support a visiting scientist, a post-doc, an undergraduate or graduate student) *
Can your lab support a visiting scientist, a post-doc, an undergraduate or graduate student?
City, State *
Country *
Type of Lab *
Type of scientist that can be supported *
Email Contact *
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