Book Creator

Our Green Habits

by etwinning project


Etwinning project Collaborative book
Table of Contents
Page 3 to 12 : 3d Gymnasio Kalamatas Greece
Page 12 to 25 : La Farigola de Vallcarca School
Page 26 to 33 : Zespół Szkolno-Przedszkolny nr 5, SP 23, Rzeszów, Poland
Page 34 to 36 : Enviromental problems. I.E.S Carolina Coronado Spain
Page 37 to 43 : 3C - Secondary School - I.C. Capena San Leone
3d Gymnasio Kalamatas Greece
Act locally, think globally!
Rubbish by Michaela 3 Gymnasio Kalamatas Greece
• We recycle our rubbish.
• We don’t throw branches, or building materials in the recycle bins
• In the blue bins we only throw packagings that are made from:
Paper, Glass (not broken), Plastic, Aluminium
•We empty the recycling bags, when throwing our rubbish
into the recycling bins.
•All the packagings that we throw in the blue bin have to be empty.
•We don’t throw injections and medical waste in the recycling bins.
•We recycle the batteries at some specific bins for batteries.
•We dispose our old electric devices at some specific bins.
•We throw all the organic rubissh in bags in the green bins
•If we have clothes that we don’t need, we can give them to people in need.
•If we can’t give our clothes to someone, we can recycle them at the red bins named recycom.
•We can cooperate with the local authorities in order to create spaces for thematic recycling into our school yard.
• We throw the peels of fruits and vegetables at the compost bins so as to produce organic fertilizers.
•We must use metallic straws.
•At the supermarket we use ecological reusable bags.
Climate by Elisabeth and Sofia 3 Gymnasio Kalamatas Greece
1. We should disconnect the devices, because even if we aren’t using them they waste energy
2. We should limit water use. Instead of a bath you can have a shower.
3. We should plant trees. No need to go far away, we can plant a tree on our garden or even at a flower pot at our balcony.
4. We should invest into a reusable water bottle.
5. No reason to throw away old clothes, we can donate them into our local charity.
6. We all should start using solar outdoors lights.
7. We should reduce the use of air conditioning unit when it’s not necessary.
8. We should recycle our waste.
9. We should only consume seasonal products.
10. We must always use a reusable bag.
Alimentation by Diogenis and Georgia 3 Gymnasio Kalamatas Greece
I find out what fruits and vegetables are in season.
I prefer local products because their transfer from place to place releases polluting gases into the atmosphere.
I eat seasonal fruits and vegetables, because when they are out of season it means that they have undergone treatments that pollute the environment.
I compost food scraps to create plant fertilizer without pesticides and
I reduce my meat consumption because livestock industries are
responsible for polluting gases emissions and aslo huge areas of land and amounts of water are used in these industries.
If I have a garden or balcony, I grow my own vegetables and fruits without pesticides or fertilizers.